.. _character_properties: How to extract font names and sizes from PDF's ****************************************************** Before you start, make sure you have :ref:`installed pdfminer.six`. The following code sample shows how to extract font names and sizes for each of the characters. This uses the [simple1.pdf](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pdfminer/pdfminer.six/master/samples/simple1.pdf). .. code-block:: python from pathlib import Path from typing import Iterable, Any from pdfminer.high_level import extract_pages def show_ltitem_hierarchy(o: Any, depth=0): """Show location and text of LTItem and all its descendants""" if depth == 0: print('element font stroking color text') print('------------------------------ --------------------- -------------- ----------') print( f'{get_indented_name(o, depth):<30.30s} ' f'{get_optional_fontinfo(o):<20.20s} ' f'{get_optional_color(o):<17.17s}' f'{get_optional_text(o)}' ) if isinstance(o, Iterable): for i in o: show_ltitem_hierarchy(i, depth=depth + 1) def get_indented_name(o: Any, depth: int) -> str: """Indented name of class""" return ' ' * depth + o.__class__.__name__ def get_optional_fontinfo(o: Any) -> str: """Font info of LTChar if available, otherwise empty string""" if hasattr(o, 'fontname') and hasattr(o, 'size'): return f'{o.fontname} {round(o.size)}pt' return '' def get_optional_color(o: Any) -> str: """Font info of LTChar if available, otherwise empty string""" if hasattr(o, 'graphicstate'): return f'{o.graphicstate.scolor}' return '' def get_optional_text(o: Any) -> str: """Text of LTItem if available, otherwise empty string""" if hasattr(o, 'get_text'): return o.get_text().strip() return '' path = Path('samples/simple1.pdf').expanduser() pages = extract_pages(path) show_ltitem_hierarchy(pages) The output looks like below. Note that it shows the hierarchical structure of the layout elements. The layout algorithm groups characters into lines and lines into boxes. And boxes appear on a page. The pages, boxes and lines do not have font information because this can change for each character. The stroking color is always `None` in this example, but it will contain the color if the PDF does specify colors. .. code-block:: text element font stroking color text ------------------------------ --------------------- -------------- ---------- generator LTPage LTTextBoxHorizontal Hello LTTextLineHorizontal Hello LTChar Helvetica 24pt None H LTChar Helvetica 24pt None e LTChar Helvetica 24pt None l LTChar Helvetica 24pt None l LTChar Helvetica 24pt None o LTChar Helvetica 24pt None LTAnno LTTextBoxHorizontal World LTTextLineHorizontal World LTChar Helvetica 24pt None W LTChar Helvetica 24pt None o LTChar Helvetica 24pt None r LTChar Helvetica 24pt None l LTChar Helvetica 24pt None d LTAnno LTTextBoxHorizontal Hello LTTextLineHorizontal Hello LTChar Helvetica 24pt None H LTChar Helvetica 24pt None e LTChar Helvetica 24pt None l LTChar Helvetica 24pt None l LTChar Helvetica 24pt None o LTChar Helvetica 24pt None LTAnno LTTextBoxHorizontal World LTTextLineHorizontal World LTChar Helvetica 24pt None W LTChar Helvetica 24pt None o LTChar Helvetica 24pt None r LTChar Helvetica 24pt None l LTChar Helvetica 24pt None d LTAnno LTTextBoxHorizontal H e l l o LTTextLineHorizontal H e l l o LTChar Helvetica 24pt None H LTAnno LTChar Helvetica 24pt None e LTAnno LTChar Helvetica 24pt None l LTAnno LTChar Helvetica 24pt None l LTAnno LTChar Helvetica 24pt None o LTAnno LTChar Helvetica 24pt None LTAnno LTTextBoxHorizontal W o r l d LTTextLineHorizontal W o r l d LTChar Helvetica 24pt None W LTAnno LTChar Helvetica 24pt None o LTAnno LTChar Helvetica 24pt None r LTAnno LTChar Helvetica 24pt None l LTAnno LTChar Helvetica 24pt None d LTAnno LTTextBoxHorizontal H e l l o LTTextLineHorizontal H e l l o LTChar Helvetica 24pt None H LTAnno LTChar Helvetica 24pt None e LTAnno LTChar Helvetica 24pt None l LTAnno LTChar Helvetica 24pt None l LTAnno LTChar Helvetica 24pt None o LTAnno LTChar Helvetica 24pt None LTAnno LTTextBoxHorizontal W o r l d LTTextLineHorizontal W o r l d LTChar Helvetica 24pt None W LTAnno LTChar Helvetica 24pt None o LTAnno LTChar Helvetica 24pt None r LTAnno LTChar Helvetica 24pt None l LTAnno LTChar Helvetica 24pt None d LTAnno